• Active Registered Voters:
  • Democrat:
  • Republican:
  • NPA:
  • Other:
  • Total:


The Supervisor of Elections office strives to ensure all members of the Indian River County community are informed through our diverse collection of voter outreach initiatives. Through education, we believe our efforts to educate our community will have a positive effect and instill lifelong voting habits. Our programs are designed for people of all ages and encourage participation in the democratic process. For scheduling, questions, or comments, please contact the Elections Office at (772) 226-4700.   

Democracy Days

This innovative countywide voting program is aimed at actively engaging high school students in the elections process. The 45 minute lesson plan includes a mock election and voter registration. To schedule a Democracy Days presentation today call the Elections Office at (772) 226-4700.

Sunshine State Young Readers Award Program

Every year students in Indian River County have the opportunity to vote for their favorite Sunshine State Young Readers Association (SSYRA) or Florida Literacy Association (FLA) book with the help of the Indian River County Supervisor of Elections office. The Elections Office facilitates voting through DoubleClick Democracy, an online ballot that allows students in grades K-8 to vote for their favorite book. 

The ballot, which is programed by the Elections Office, uses the book title and a picture of the book cover to allow students to identify their favorite book. Students receive an “I Voted” sticker, pencil/pen, and a certificate for their participation in the election. The results are emailed to each school. 

The SSYRA/FLA programs are a great way to encourage reading and introduce students to the electoral process. It is never too early to educate students on the importance of voting! If your school wants to participate in this year’s SSYRA/FLA election, contact Vote-by-Mail Coordinator Daisy Zamora at (772) 226-4702 to reserve your school’s voting day.

Transparency Tours

Join us for a guided tour of the Elections Office. Participants will view a demonstration of the voting equipment and get a behind-the-scenes look at your Indian River County SOE facility. To schedule a tour today call the Elections Office at (772) 226-4700.

Leslie Rossway Swan
Supervisor of Elections
Indian River County

4375 43rd Avenue
Vero Beach, FL 32967

Office: (772) 226-4700
Fax: (772) 770-5367
Spanish Hotline: (833) 347-2763
Hours: M - F, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM

PLEASE NOTE: Under Florida law, email addresses are public records. If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. Florida Statute 668.6076